“Alley’s : A Light to the Manville Community”“Alley’s : A Light to the Manville Community”

Thy Faith Has Made Thee Well

Thy Faith Has Made Thee Well


She heard that he was coming, this man from Galilee

So she like all the others hurried out to see

It had been said he’d cleansed a leper, and made the lame to stand

He claimed to be the son of God, and the son of man

Yet she had such a need and a desperation strong

For this issue of blood she had, she’d had for twelve years long

All the many physicians, they had tried in vain

But the way that she came to them, she left just the same

When she got to where Jesus was, the crowed had gathered round

So she watched him from a distance and uttered not a sound

As she listened to him he was different she could tell

This man she knew down deep inside he could make her well

Just then a man named Jesus came, and at his feet he fell

He cried out Lord come quickly my daughter deathly ill

Come unto my house Lord, come if you will

Lay your hands upon her and I know that she will live

So Jesus and his disciples started to his home

She with the others went to go along

She pressed hard toward him from the crowd’s outer rim

And when he went by her she touched his robe on the hem

Jesus said l perceive someone has touched me for I feel that powers gone

The disciples said Lord look at the crowd it could have been anyone

Yet Jesus searched the crowd to see who’d done this thing

The lady in fear and trembling unto him she came

She cried out Lord it was I that touched your robe

For now i know that your my only hope

She told him how the physicians had all tried and failed

Jesus said unto her, daughter, thy faith has made thee well

mike bishop 1/28/98